Questions and answers about healing
There is a danger of disinfection
Why are cockroaches dangerous?
The destruction of cockroaches and the treatment of bedbugs is not just about aesthetics. Especially when it comes to a home or catering establishment with small children, this is also a health problem.
insects in the room
Having these insects in the room is also dangerous for asthmatics. Due to the contamination of the respiratory tract, their health deteriorates, weakness, fatigue and depression appear. There is a risk of an increase in the number of asthma attacks.
They live in Tarakan disinfection farms
Like many other insects, cockroaches carry many dangerous viruses: tuberculosis, salmonelliosis, poliomyelitis, toxoplasma virus. They carry bacteria, worm eggs and fungal infections in their windows and in the intestine.
They are also dangerous for young children - there are cases when insects crawl on sleeping children and nibble on the epidermis on them.
Foods that are in contact with parasites should not be eaten. Harmful substances can also move around on counters, tables, and linens, putting you at risk of tearing.
Disinfection questions and answers
How should one take anti-Tarakan?
-With the help of special preparations, this damage can be counteracted in time.
Questions about rats
How can we fight against rats and chickens?
-Over time, it is possible to destroy cows in a range, at home, in a commercial area.
Sicovuls are sailors of the rat family, which has at least 64 species. It is very versatile and can even be treated with polyurethane foam and building mixtures. It is impossible to talk about paper, textiles and food. Therefore, it can even cause serious damage to a person's household savings. The appearance of these sailors in places of special epidemiological importance threatens them with material damage until they are tied up.
Disinfection of the comb
"Be completely free from combers! Keep your home and workplace safe and clean with our rapid combing disinfection and treatment services. Our experienced and specialized command staff will provide you with the most effective and risk-free By using treatments, it radically eliminates the problems in your home or office. Our aim is to provide long-lasting and non-repeatable results to our customers. Besides, we used The products are completely safe for humans and pets. We solve your comb problem in your home immediately with our fast and reliable services. We always prioritize your health and satisfaction. Stay in touch with us and get rid of those who prey on you with sleazy services!”